Brexit, Brexit, Brexit

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I’d say I get asked at least once a day about the latest news on Brexit, my thoughts and how dire the situation really is back in the UK?

I have been asked so many times lately that I have started to scour the online news websites regularly for the latest updates, so that I can be well informed and up to date enough to discuss it with the next person that asks.

It’s hard to keep abreast of the news from Europe, whilst living over in Australia, but I’m trying to keep up and read some of the many online News articles about Brexit. It turns out though, compared to my Australian friends and neighbours who are trying to keep up with the latest Brexit News too, I do have some insider information: According to my Mum, the prices of some items in her local supermarket have started to rise already and when she asked staff why they shelves were looking a bit bare, a staff member told her that some customers have been stockpiling due to Brexit. I also try to express to those interested over here, quite what a sad thing it is that Thomas Cook has gone belly up. An annual Thomas Cook holiday to Europe is what keeps many families going through the gloomy winter months in the UK.

As I muttered about “Deal” or “No-Deal Brexit” my husband quipped it’s not the TV Show “Deal or No-Deal”! I guess we, the public will soon find out what’s happening, one way or the other, or perhaps not for a while longer, if a further extension is in place…


Merimbula winter school holidays

Celebrating 1 year in Canberra
